Rhodar's tiny little widow can be extremely forceful when she takes it into her head to be so.
He has a rare quality of being a gentle man but an extremely forceful one.
A powerful person seems desperate when performing extremely forceful acts on another, and the object person may seem invincible.
These were the extremely forceful arguments that you shouldn't respond to your immediate emotional impulses without considering the big rational picture.
However, she has shown herself capable of being extremely forceful and loud in situations in which she is provoked.
Mr. Bond said Mr. Forman was "extremely forceful" without "shouting and screaming."
To express anger, the suffix yagaru also exists: "kuiyagare", an extremely forceful and angry instruction to eat, expressing contempt for the addressee.
Zhukov, according to General Popiel, gave vent to his fury with "a stream of extremely forceful expressions."
"It will be extremely important to stabilise markets in an extremely forceful way," he said.
A complete rotator cuff tear in a person with an otherwise healthy shoulder is most often caused by an extremely forceful injury.