They are extremely flavorful but very lean, so they should be basted frequently.
It was deliciously chewy, not at all tough and extremely flavorful.
The chicken is extremely flavorful, with a succulence unmatched by the typical American chicken.
In this region, apples are expected to be somewhat smaller than usual but, thanks to the cooler weather this summer, extremely flavorful.
Straightforward, strong and extremely flavorful, the dish has been delicious each time I have ordered it.
The result is very dry and extremely flavorful.
Although it's light in body, it's extremely flavorful without being challenging.
The grated rind releases extremely flavorful oil that permeates the sauce.
Murray's Chickens has introduced prebrined turkeys, saving the cook a lot of time and mess for an extremely flavorful result.
The base of the soup is smoky and extremely flavorful.