Kirk thought that extremely doubtful, but kept his doubts to himself.
For those reasons, its approval by Congress is extremely doubtful.
In this corner of the galaxy, it is extremely doubtful.
But that last conclusion, though the most comforting, was an extremely doubtful one.
First of all, it's extremely doubtful that there's any "up there' to smile down from.
It appeared to him extremely doubtful that the battered craft could actually carry five people.
So its extremely doubtful that name calling was the only thing going on here.
It is extremely doubtful the player could have gotten the first down and out of bounds with any time left after he received the pass.
This seems extremely doubtful, especially as the real causes of the conflict have not been resolved.
In these cases, it is extremely doubtful whether either species would survive very long if the other became extinct.