The dour Andorian looked extremely displeased to be losing his fine sea-glider.
They are extremely displeased because I left them behind and they missed out on a memorable mission.
One day, when an old army veteran comes to lecture him about his horrible behavior, he is extremely displeased and searches for something to take revenge.
He seemed to be extremely displeased and expressed himself in violent language.
When informed of the developments, Moriarty is extremely displeased.
Maggie was by the pool, enjoying doing absolutely nothing and watching Ana swim when Mitch came up looking extremely displeased.
If one of these young ladies gets killed by mistake, HM will be extremely displeased.
I'm extremely displeased, and your competence in your specialty does not in any way change that.
As expected, Vergennes was extremely displeased, though "surprised" was the word he chose.
As it is I am extremely displeased.