She also was known for being extremely defensive of her "girls", insisting that any who mistreated them never return to her brothel.
That has made the futures exchanges extremely defensive.
Mr. Taylor himself, who by all accounts is an extremely defensive, angrily scornful man, has mocked both approaches.
She looked extremely defensive, which Si Cwan found rather sad.
It was clear to the Enterprise first officer that Masters felt extremely defensive.
Skins were extremely defensive of their own territory.
Moll knew she appeared extremely defensive, but she had to cross her arms to hold on to herself, to keep from shaking.
His teacher said he was at first extremely defensive, insisting he simply wanted to improve his vocabulary.
An extremely aggressive person may suffer the same internal anguish as an extremely defensive person.
"I had never asked her any questions about the boys, but she was extremely defensive from the minute she arrived," he said.