Despite the fact that adult vaccines are extremely cost-effective, Medicare and insurance coverage is spotty.
There are at least three initiatives he can sponsor, two that are not very costly and one that is extremely cost-effective.
Micro-ultrasound systems are portable, do not require any dedicated facilities, and is extremely cost-effective compared to other systems.
The zone was also found to be extremely cost-effective in its job creation.
By designing to minimize the amount of steel, the product was an extremely cost-effective design and had huge commercial success.
Vitamin D is very safe and extremely cost-effective.
These remain occasionally controversial, but are reported to have been crucial in keeping the incidence of the disease low, as well as being extremely cost-effective.
We believe that arXiv is an extremely cost-effective service.
This can be extremely cost-effective if the consumer is a heavy user of cartridges.
We were concerned about the potential cost, but following research, we joined a scheme run by our local Chamber of Commerce, which proved extremely cost-effective.