Of course, there was an explanation at hand, if an extremely bizarre one.
In fact it's extremely bizarre, and that's a word I don't use very often.
I find it extremely bizarre (not to say it's not true) that Sony couldn't even match up serial numbers properly.
There was no suspicion among them that we were other than three extremely bizarre human beings of immense wealth.
Microsoft called the government filing "extremely bizarre" and said it would lead to unnecessary delay.
The mysterious opening is said to be a fantastically deep vertical shaft which possesses extremely bizarre properties.
These tend to favor the centre rather than extremes but can throw up extremely bizarre results too.
We made our way over the dark smooth floor, toward the archway that led to the ramp, walking past some extremely bizarre vehicles.
Joan Crawford's get-up as the light lady is extremely bizarre.
Margaret's behaviour was extremely bizarre, and no one could understand her.