To explain such extreme velocities, we consider three possibilities.
Garnerin, of whom mention has already been made, accomplished in the summer of 1802 two aerial voyages marked by extreme velocity in the rate of travel.
"Properties of frozen matter at extreme temporal velocity," Shetland said.
By the late 1980s Lock was being commissioned by classical ballet companies, and pointe work joined his armoury of effects, often performed with extreme velocity.
As I indicated, this is a precision weapon, depending on its extreme velocity rather than its mass.
However, an application of antimatter thrusters and afterburners slowed all but the most extreme velocities and had the fighter headed in the new direction in no time.
Various advanced technologies have been developed to enable atmospheric reentry and flight at extreme velocities.
Instead there were monstrous hurtling things traveling the paths at extreme velocity.
The plasma is heated to tens of millions of kelvins, and the particles are accelerated away from the star's surface at extreme velocities.
Propelled at an extreme velocity, the rounds punched into the target with fearsome force.