She reportedly expressed extreme unhappiness with the hotels reserved for her, changed hotels several times and insisted that an assistant conductor of the orchestra be banned from her rehearsals.
Critics of polygamy in the early LDS church claim that plural marriages often produced extreme unhappiness in some wives.
Unless the two people have an agreement not to read anything about Monica, both defend against extreme unhappiness by reading the info, settling for moderate unhappiness.
They were now purely mechanical, a mindless repetition, because in his sleep that earlier premonition of extreme unhappiness had risen up and now it occupied him entirely.
It was cruel that his extreme unhappiness should have in it something of buffoonery.
Bordman was aware of an extreme unhappiness on her account.
And the elite warrior race found out, to their extreme unhappiness, that the primitives had indeed puzzled out quite a bit of Robotechnology.
"There's . . . at least one other option," Horner said with a smile that for him indicated extreme unhappiness.
Massy was aware of an extreme unhappiness ou her account.
No one could possibly doubt his extreme unhappiness.