Suicide is discouraged except in cases of euthanasia, where it would end extreme suffering.
The severity of the pain can range from mild discomfort to extreme and prolonged suffering.
Even the slightest garment was not only uncomfortable, but the cause of extreme suffering.
Signs at all the entrances to the hall warn that the exhibit contains images of extreme human suffering.
They built extreme suffering into it, as a man will smash his hand against a post in pain to prove that he is awake.
It is natural to react to extreme suffering with rage, and sometimes rage goes too far.
She said that three quarters of the world's population live in conditions where high or extreme human suffering is the rule, rather than the exception.
Just about the only mitigating factor was that this suffering, though extreme, was brief.
The extreme suffering caused to children forced into prostitution, particularly those from Nepal, is quite simply unacceptable.
I would rate the day I went blind as the day my extreme suffering began.