Charian and Peace, as physically beautiful as they are young, can move with extreme slowness too, and dramatically.
With extreme slowness Moran walked Rose to the seats.
As the distance between Alpha and the enemy continued to decrease-with extreme slowness now-the number of casualties on both sides increased.
In 1847 he started to grow for the first time since the first few months of his life, but with extreme slowness.
The next morning, we all heard the voice and were aware of the extreme slowness of speech, almost as if the man were drugged.
Because of the transfer protocol, the Commodore 1540 and 1541 disk drives soon gained a reputation for extreme slowness.
The extreme slowness with which the shuttlecraft entered and exited may have strained the system in some way or caused a malfunction.
On April 26, 2010,, started experiencing downtime or extreme slowness.
But some instinct caused him to turn with extreme slowness.
Despite their agreement to occupy the country jointly, Spain acted with extreme slowness.