Their extreme red shift makes them even more difficult to see.
The third is "no lesse deserving than the other two" but has been driven to "extreme shifts" to survive.
The aim was to ensure a stable government that would avoid weakening the institutions by extreme shifts to the left or right.
The company's dancers must move quickly and lightly through extreme shifts of rhythm and speed.
With its extreme shifts in direction, Strand's career would seem to call out for a close consideration of the personal and social forces that helped shape it.
The latter has now been swallowed up by extreme political shifts and disputes.
The extreme shift in scale transformed an expression of a single client's obsessions into a more dynamic communal experience.
Ordinarily, the hypermass and everything near it is invisible, due to the extreme red shift caused by its gravity.
Quasars' extreme red shift led us to conclude that they are distant active galactic nuclei.
A recent study does not reproduce this extreme shift and suggests that analytical problems may have produced the anomalous result.