I note this with extreme regret.
On 24 February, 10 days after the initial spill, the Russian delegation admitted, with extreme regret, responsibility for the incident.
I do this with extreme regret, but you are too dangerous to set free.
It is with extreme regret I find myself opposing her.
Occasionally, in the case of apology and begging, people crouch down like Sujud to show one's absolute submission or extreme regret.
In Emil, she sensed defeat, acknowledgment of mistakes, and extreme regret.
She demonstrated her extreme regret about the record in a September 2006 interview:
He expressed "extreme regret that instead of bringing you contentment.
I viewed this with extreme regret, myself, but I must admit that the alternative would have been worse.
It is therefore a matter of extreme regret for us that the motion was not adopted.