Young children with bipolar disorder may have more extreme happy or silly moods than most children have.
Depression, extreme mood or personality changes, or episodes of intense or unusually high energy seen in bipolar disorder can be caused by many disorders.
In 1680 a more extreme mood appeared among sections of the Covenanter underground, which found expression in a document known as the Sanquhar Declaration.
It refuses to tell; it even denies, in its extreme theorising moods, that there is anything certain to be told.
Low mood or extreme low mood (depression) can regulate a pattern of engagement and foster disengagement from unattainable goals.
Mostafaei remembered his childhood as difficult due to his family's poverty and his father's extreme mood swings.
As in the work there are few "mellow" passages, so Swift seemed to swing from one extreme mood to another.
He speaks in an overly-dramatic manner, and is prone to extreme moods and outbursts of violent emotion.
You may go directly from an episode of depression to an episode of mania, or you may have a short time lapse between the two extreme moods.
Her new medication helps to keep her from constantly alternating between extreme moods.