A referendum to join Lenin's "Comintern" passed with 90% approval, but the moderates who were in charge of the Party expelled the extreme leftists before this could take place.
His autobiography describes moral conflicts, typical of the many in his country of his generation who started as extreme leftists and evolved at breakneck speed into aggressive capitalists.
It is this type of thinking not their criticisms of government policy-that leads many conservatives to conclude that some extreme leftists are unpatriotic.
Authorities usually attribute similar attacks to extreme leftists and anarchists.
It said these were often claimed by anarchists and extreme leftists.
While each side increasingly distrusted the other, the extreme leftists accelerated the process and left less room for political moderation than the extreme rightists.
He condemned his own Government for closing news outlets and sending "paramilitary groups made up of extreme leftists" to attack people and property.
The squads were said to have killed both extreme leftists and moderates in an effort by the extreme right to seize power in El Salvador.
By late 1975, he was not only Foreign Minister but also the leader of the left in the military, because the extreme leftists had been purged.
At moments of extreme tension like this, extreme leftists and rightists have always emerged to enforce their views with bullets and bloodshed.