Remove this, and you put yourself and our great endeavor in extreme jeopardy.
If her fears were true, then a conspiracy of immense proportions existed and she was in extreme jeopardy.
Stating that 'he had so much work, his happiness was in extreme jeopardy.
Without us, you and your people might well be in extreme jeopardy.
If Hitchcock does not keep the ball very low and does not get ahead in the count, he is in extreme jeopardy.
Not that you could ever be; but the sensory whip was a weapon that ordinarily was used only in extreme jeopardy.
You must convince Valeri Bondasenko of the extreme jeopardy the entire country is in.
Then you've put yourself in extreme jeopardy.
Your insane project has placed our government in extreme jeopardy.
Everyone near that crash site was in extreme jeopardy.