Is an irritating material, with properties similar to tear gas, which causes extreme irritation, especially in confined spaces.
My first thought, I remember, was one of extreme irritation that something or someone was ruining my big moment.
Sleepy glanced my way, for a second revealed extreme irritation.
Also, some people cannot take the drugs because of extreme irritation of the stomach.
He stared at her with the complete lack of emotion that I had learned to interpret as extreme irritation.
This causes extreme irritation to the eyes and, if inhaled, to the nose and throat.
This was of course an extreme irritation to Mars.
Instead, we have strategic choice No. 3: "300 pinpricks" to exhibit our extreme irritation.
Reverend Gaines exclaimed in extreme irritation, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
The reaction of people in the Netherlands is quite understandably one of extreme irritation.