On the other hand, these singers convey the harmony with extreme intensity.
Meanwhile, I've discovered the joy of pressed caviar, with its extreme intensity of flavor.
Despite the extreme intensity of the storm, all sixteen residents on the island, including the 4-day old infant were safe.
Any great shock that life might inflict on it would be felt with extreme intensity.
Of course, the gods have not always smiled on extreme intensity in news, nor even opinion programming.
In contrast to the extreme intensity of the cyclone, relatively little structural damage resulted from it.
However, the main thing I remember about him was how terribly intense he was - a combination of extreme intensity and shyness.
It's such a brief moment, but time seems to stretch, as it does in all situations of extreme intensity.
These extreme intensities induce nonlinear effects and optical breakdown occurs.
Despite Ioke's extreme intensity and impacting two small land masses, damage was surprisingly moderate.