This is the response to the tory extreme rightwing ideology.
My task was made no less difficult in having to deal with extreme ideologies, both for and against alternative medicine.
The truth is that we are vulnerable to even small groups driven by extreme political ideology or religious fervor.
- Blair suggests extreme Islamist ideology is more dangerous than people realise.
It was this extreme ideology which became the basis of the measures taken, first to drive the Jews from their homes and then to exterminate them.
Deliberately any extreme right-wing ideology was kept out.
It is certainty that we need to worry about, as extreme ideologies prosper in these uncertain times.
The combination of extreme ideology and hunger is undoubtedly explosive.
Every democratic party has to condemn extreme right-wing ideologies and violence.
Programs that help de-radicalize the youth from religious and political intolerances and extreme ideologies.