His kindness and extreme generosity will never be forgotten.
I could tell from his tone that this was a gesture of extreme generosity.
The fact is, Peoples' Symphony would not exist if not for the extreme generosity of the artists.
His work as a poetry critic is distinguished by the extreme generosity of his reviews and criticism.
I fully realised that he meant well, that the whole' thing was a natural extension of his extreme generosity.
I returned to London where, thanks to the extreme generosity of my boss and my colleagues, I still had a job.
Cynthia was a girl of extreme generosity and blessed intellect.
This extreme generosity shown in one day for an unknown charity just shows exactly how much the School of Love cares for the community.
There were many times throughout the Imam's life that he exhibited extreme generosity.
His project was enshrouded in secrecy and funded with a generosity so extreme Wolfe could only surmise that they hoped he might start cloning them.