This hybrid paper had the texture of onionskin and extreme durability.
Because of their extreme durability and toughness Steyr products won many enthusiastic friends around the world.
These clubs remain popular today's among collectors for their extreme durability, true chrome finish and workable muscleback configuration.
The Supernova is known for its large trigger guard, extreme durability and reliability.
Because of the extreme durability of the wood and its easily-recognized fluted pattern, many dead trunks can still be found.
However, unknown to them, Hades possesses several superhuman abilities, such mental manipulation and extreme durability.
Polyamides are commonly used in textiles, automotives, carpet and sportswear due to their extreme durability and strength.
Chemo has very limited intelligence but displays superhuman strength and extreme durability.
The tree's longevity is due in part to the wood's extreme durability.
The tissue-paper map was made from mulberry leaves and had the texture of onion skin but with extreme durability.