It wasn't an unpleasant sensation by any means, especially given the extreme discomfort of the last few hours.
I can say only that it was aware of extreme discomfort and loneliness.
She became solid with a look of extreme discomfort on her face, but it didn't last long.
A bubble was observed in its eye and it displayed signs of extreme discomfort.
You are going to be in extreme discomfort for some time.
Then, at times of extreme discomfort, he could resort to it.
He was experiencing extreme discomfort, a feeling relatively unknown to him.
Never mind cases of extreme discomfort, such as idealists' being crucified.
He had hoped to continue the tour despite extreme discomfort, but it's become too difficult to continue on.
In all his twenty-three years of life he could not remember being subjected to such extreme mental discomfort.