The jumping mice have long feet, but lack the extreme adaptations of the jerboas, so that they move by crawling or making short hops, rather than long leaps.
Their bauplan is uniquely reduced in an extreme adaptation to their parasitic lifestyle, and makes their relationship to other barnacles unrecognisable in the adult form.
I'm not saying that we'll retain our most extreme adaptations when the year is over.
Many constituent plants show extreme adaptations to drought.
Gramineae (Poaceae): the grasses have extreme adaptations for wind pollination.
All dragons with less extreme adaptations or less remote habitats are dead.
They sometimes seek prey in the midwater, away from the bottom, and show fewer extreme adaptations than other families.
For the seasonally dry habitats, Phalaenopsis species have an extreme adaptation in which it adopts deciduous habits, losing its leaves.
"Mamillius," an extreme adaptation by Sheldon Deckelbaum, takes on the tale from the befuddled child's perspective.
This fish is an extreme adaptation in terms of a sexually developed female.