She is a woman with extravagant tastes who is still technically married to Larry, her first husband.
De Chair was known for his extravagant taste and lived in a series of large country houses.
And that's no life for a sweet young thing like me with extravagant tastes, believe me, my friend!
Menedemus has driven his son from a modest mistress to one of extravagant taste.
He lived in hotels and had few extravagant tastes.
He is not as rich as you think, and has extravagant tastes.
Bad investments and extravagant tastes forced her to resume acting six years later.
It is a place of spiritual beauty and extravagant taste.
The old woman arrives and immediately begins to complain about Emma's extravagant tastes.
You don't look like a man with extravagant tastes.