And the extravagant luxuries of the 1980's were supposed to yield to the pared-down 90's.
Among the country's 22 million people, a favored few have access to the most extravagant luxuries.
Marriage did not diminish Porter's taste for extravagant luxury.
This was no extravagant luxury, though the auditors queried it with great regularity.
It features many extravagant luxuries, 2 courts, a team meeting room, front office offices, as well as a kitchen among other features.
Still, some skeptics view aircraft carriers as extravagant luxuries.
Inside was an odd mixture of spartan simplicity and extravagant luxury.
Possibly we look back & think of the extravagant luxury of kings & emperors & see that as capitalism.
But somehow to use the money for extravagant luxuries was another matter.
Apicius was "born to enjoy every extravagant luxury that could be contrived".