MacGregor's did not waste money on extravagant lighting, music, or decoration-or on any of the other devices that many of the bars in Camo Town used as bait to attract and hold customers.
Come for the fabulous décor - engraved glass, extravagant lighting, domed ceiling and intricate ironwork - designed in the 1920s by the Solvet brothers, who also did La Coupole.
The cane furniture, silver framed pictures, and extravagant, wall-mounted lighting seemed out of place in this shoddy high rise.
The show demands extravagant lighting, but in Mr. Behrens's scheme, the banks of colored lights on either side and in the rear of the set do little more than detract from the center-stage action.
This visual creation made up of actors, dancers and mime artists performing to a background of rock music, extravagant lighting with weird special effects, fire, bizarre costumes and giant masks.
It is generally a high-tech show, with extravagant lighting and fog effects, microphones, and a powerful sound system.
Set to video screen backdrops created by Tim Rith and extravagant lighting designed by Hamish Cliff, the production was a combination of dance and theatre that won the hearts of all who attended.
Once the studio photographers gave up the soft vapors of pictorialism, their extravagant lighting looked more like German Expressionist film than anything else, and their emphatic close-ups in the 30's echo a film discovery of two decades earlier.
But what makes the game look so good is not incredibly high polygon counts or lots of extravagant lighting and particle effects.
New structures in Times Square must have extravagant lighting and signs, "but we didn't want advertisements," Ms. Cahan said.