That would seem to be an extraordinary revelation, telling the Russians they can no longer count on night or bad weather to conceal their activities.
This extraordinary revelation, made public yesterday, has spawned questions not only about the legitimacy of the results, but also about possible misuse of federal funds.
"Why, these are extraordinary revelations, Dr. Byrd, and I am awed by your learning!"
What I took out of the letter-box banished all my interest in Donald raser's extraordinary revelations.
Following the extraordinary revelations published by the Guardian on Monday, this may now change.
It was an extraordinary revelation, mentioning his Harvard and graduate degrees, and making brief references to his loneliness.
It was an extraordinary revelation to me.
I am shocked to hear this extraordinary revelation.
Toranaga had anticipated that there would be further danger to the barbarian after the extraordinary revelations of this morning.
They read like the most extraordinary revelations.