But Darling's extraordinary interview on Sky last night has now made it easy for the Tories to get stuck in.
No applicant for a post can ever have had such an extraordinary interview.
This much had emerged at that extraordinary first interview, after the bearded man had come to take him from the cell.
It was as if he had gone away and had sent someone else to the house to represent him at this extraordinary interview.
In this extraordinary interview, McCann confesses to ordering executions from behind bars.
Gathered together at great risk to all concerned, these extraordinary interviews bear witness to women's immense talent for defiance, and are full of the inventive strategies of women's survival.
But that means that most Sunday news fans missed a pair of extraordinary interviews the other week over on NBC's "Meet the Press."
For however this extraordinary interview might end, it must pass if possible without waking Catriona; and the one thing needful was that we should sit close and talk low.
On Thursday morning, the day before the Capitol shootings, a more unsettling incident occurred, the family said today in a series of extraordinary, emotional interviews.
"I've just had a most extraordinary interview with your wife."