In theory, the money was for extraordinary expenses like paying ransoms.
"When these families are confronted with extraordinary expenses but don't qualify for money from other funds, they won't have to jump through red tape."
Students with disabilities can apply for an additional grant to cover extraordinary expenses.
These extraordinary expenses are expected to significantly raise business insurance rates around the nation.
But the extraordinary expenses associated with the early redemption reduced the quarter's net income by $22.3 million.
In theory, these funds were for extraordinary expenses like ransoms.
And any budget can be thrown off by unexpected or extraordinary expenses.
I've always loved your habit of paying all extraordinary expenses immediately and on the spot.
What remained of the money, they put in the bank to help pay for medications and other extraordinary expenses.
Now, it expects to report income of $648 million to $702 million, or between 72 and 78 cents a share, before the extraordinary expenses.