Knowing that it's live forces an extraordinary discipline and enhances artists' performances.
He also mentioned the extraordinary discipline of Korean Presbyterians.
In practice, however, people with too many cerebral allergies cannot think clearly enough to either cook for themselves or follow any program without extraordinary discipline.
Her extraordinary discipline might help her to avoid mistakes during a presidential campaign, to run a race that will not center on some symbolic slip-up.
Both promise to be highly visible officials who exhibit extraordinary discipline, enjoy a certain cachet with Congress and look good on television.
"All the elements here are devoted to revealing this extraordinary discipline of journalism that has shaped how we see history."
Another confounding factor is the administration's extraordinary discipline in the cause of political longevity.
It is often said that dancers bring an extraordinary discipline and focus to their work, whether on or off the stage.
Mr. Dukakis also showed an extraordinary discipline that kept him moving even when he stumbled.
"Bob taught me extraordinary discipline and love," she said.