This extraordinary burst of architectural activity has been largely ignored.
Others suggest that it is due to an extraordinary recent burst of star formation.
The Champ, who retired six years, was an institution and his extraordinary finishing burst took him to 20 track records.
This was the first of Mozart's three last great symphonies, written in an extraordinary burst of creativity in just six weeks.
But the era that produced the pallid "Philadelphia" has also witnessed an extraordinary burst of creative energy by independent film talent taking up homosexual themes.
What happened once Mr. Barenboim got into the main body of the "Pathetique" was an extraordinary burst of speed and, with the speed, anger.
Kieslowski made all three movies in one extraordinary nine-month burst.
In fact, a television ad has been taped and the producers have bought $100,000 worth of air time for it, an extraordinary burst of confidence.
Now, though, after Kosovo's extraordinary burst of violence, Mr. Rugova's time looks to be over.
In an extraordinary burst of creativity, the cabaret singer Jeff Harnar has put together five completely different acts in the last three years.