As the probes are extremely small compared to the vastness of interstellar space, it is extraordinarily unlikely that they will ever be accidentally encountered.
All these things are possible, but extraordinarily unlikely.
This seemed extraordinarily unlikely though not unwelcome news.
Such a signal would indicate that the origin of life is not an extraordinarily unlikely event.
"It seems to me that that is such an extraordinarily unlikely situation," he said.
SOME bets simply should not be made, for history indicates they are extraordinarily unlikely to pay off.
As a solution, this appears extraordinarily unlikely.
They would expect to turn more of those into gold and it would be extraordinarily unlikely for any country to land third place over Russia.
It is extraordinarily unlikely that they could have had the career described in the mid-18th century without leaving a single documentary trace.
It is extraordinarily unlikely that the reformed Soviet state and the West will have interests that conflict so much as to lead to war.