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He drove the Carnegie players on with an extraordinarily deep swing, catching all the big-band accents.
On a mathematical level, Fermat's last theorem turns out to have extraordinarily deep roots, despite its apparent simplicity.
Either you have taken an extraordinary fancy to me or else you're extraordinarily deep.
Japanese savers are known for their extraordinarily deep pockets.
La Crosse exhibits an extraordinarily deep music scene for a city of its size.
If Murphy had built his houses facing 186th, he could have put up only 10, rather than 18, and they would have had extraordinarily deep backyards.
People now explain the extraordinarily deep and far-reaching effect of Delphi by the particular fact that the Delphic priests had precise knowledge about the past.
The two natural canals give the preserve its extraordinarily deep and long fjords with sheer granite walls that rise thousands of feet out of the water.
Meanwhile, it remains largely subterranean, although extraordinarily deep.
Corinne shook her head He nodded, and took what seemed to be an extraordinarily deep breath.