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I'm extraordinarily busy, right in the middle of some complex deals.
It was an extraordinarily busy year for Mr. Edison and his whole force, which from time to time was increased in number.
If the process works as Mr. Donaldson hopes, the new leader would join the accounting oversight board at an extraordinarily busy period.
The vegetable breeders have been extraordinarily busy developing super sweet corn cultivars.
It is a hymn to Barcelona's 19th-century prosperity, extraordinarily busy with gilt and plaster ornament.
Merlinus, since receiving word I have been extraordinarily busy on your behalf.
It was an extraordinarily busy square, far from the center of town but near many residential areas.
He left Nantes and the next several years were extraordinarily busy for him.
"Our emergency room was extraordinarily busy, but within four minutes all the stops were pulled for an all-out effort to save her life," he said.
The first hour was extraordinarily busy.