Some had extramarital lovers.
Mrs. Ronder had an extramarital lover, the circus strongman, Leonardo.
While attending a film festival in Acapulco, Guerrero, with her cousin, Serrano (being a teenager) became acquainted with a politician who would eventually become her extramarital lover.
It has been suggested that Chrétien invented their affair to supply Guinevere with a courtly extramarital lover.
No matter what happened to Len Elgin's extramarital lover, Erica Moore, and her husband Booth.
He especially enjoys the conquest as he is her first extramarital lover.
He was unflappable and unsuspecting, even when Darcy took her first extramarital lover three months after Heather was born.
This only serves to further reinforce her embittered vilification of her husband, and after attempting to wound him with spurious claims of extramarital lovers, she leaves him for good.
Thus we are told, on several occasions, that Grant was Bell's longtime extramarital lover.
She is Charlie's client, and later his extramarital lover.