Achievements in theoretical physics, evolution of the extragalactic objects, etc.
Since the mid-1960s it has focused on the monitoring the flux density and linear polarization of radio emissions from active extragalactic objects.
A few astronomers have raised doubts about this extrapolation from ordinary galaxies to all extragalactic objects.
Even so, approximately 10% of the sky remains difficult to survey as extragalactic objects can be confused with stars in the Milky Way.
Aberration due to this motion is known as secular aberration and affects the apparent positions of distant stars and extragalactic objects.
Even so, about 10% of the sky remains difficult to survey because extragalactic objects (for example, distant galaxies) can be confused with stars in the Milky Way.
Interstellar masers can be used to derive distances to galactic and some extragalactic objects with maser emission.
Extragalactic radio source is common but can lead to confusion, since many other extragalactic objects are detected in radio surveys, notably starburst galaxies.
The computer has also been scanning for recognizable extragalactic objects since we arrived, Captain.
After a while, the men think they can puzzle out a few, changed though the shapes are; and extragalactic objects do not appear different.