Although a drought is decimating this year's harvest, Vilnius hopes ultimately to use its food to extract precious oil and spare parts in trade with a hungry Russia.
They owned most of the land in the area, especially after extracting "their" parts of the common pasture, letting the common citizens get the furthermost areas.
The maker of a database may not prevent a lawful user of the database from extracting and/or re-utilizing insubstantial parts of its contents . . . for any purposes whatsoever.
One paragraph stated that a lawful user of a database could extract or use insubstantial parts of its contents for any purpose, subject to the repeated or systematic test of section 4(2), set out above.
Drek's solution is to build a new planet for his race by extracting large parts of other planets, destroying them in the process.
Instead of extracting parts, all the players are given the score.
With enough footage, the directors could extract parts that resembled individual words.
The lawful user of a database which is available to the public may freely extract and/or re-use insubstantial parts of the database (Art.
Mendoros has won several minor orders in the meantime: for special tools designed to extract parts, for example, which are also being manufactured outside.
Tizol spent many hours and sometimes days extracting parts that needed to by written out for upcoming shows.