Vendors who normally extract substantial fees "donated services and cut materials for free," Ms. Utley said, and many women donated time freely to help the film.
In one hand, he held up a government certificate stating that it is illegal for any official to extract taxes and other fees from him exceeding $35 a year.
The "government official" then proceeds to fleece the victim by extracting fees from the unsuspecting user for the work permit and other fees.
Practitioners like Charles M. Hatfield, the self-anointed "moisture accelerator," roamed the country making extravagant promises and extracting large fees from farmers.
However, he was accused by Richard Kilvert in Parliament of extracting bribes and excessive fees in his judicial work.
They also work together with agencies in Hong Kong to extract higher fees from Indonesians after they start working in Hong Kong.
Meanwhile, those now negotiating to extend their loans will be able to extract stiff fees or above-market interest rates in return for forbearance.
Mr. Cornfeld, after extracting extraordinary fees from his overseas funds, turned them over to Mr. Vesco, now a fugitive, who was later accused of looting them.
Mr. Levitan says Flooz can extract such fees, in part, because it offers retailers near exclusivity within a particular category.
And, just as important, ABC Family has made no headway in its efforts to extract bigger fees from cable operators.