These days, marketers are encouraging you to extract cash out of your house to take advantage of its rising value.
Consolidating multiple loans into one loan without extracting cash is also a rate-and-term.
Mercedes has rarely had a problem extracting cash from high rollers, but the world - as we all know - has changed.
And he spoke bluntly about his intentions: to extract as much cash as possible from Starbucks.
By refinancing at lower rates, they extracted cash to buy furniture and appliances.
All three approaches would allow Sears to extract cash from the tower without technically selling it.
Now, a new enticement to extract cash from teenagers.
Real estate can be used to extract cash from property already owned.
The lower rates will expire in 2009, giving shareholders a five-year window for extracting as much cut-rate cash as possible from their companies.
Now yet another alternative has emerged that allows owners to extract cash from their homes without having to take out a traditional loan.