Then he will try to probe the hearts, where he may be able to extract frozen blood.
However, in special circumstances, and emergency situations, paramedics and physicians sometimes extract blood.
Also, respiratory therapists are trained to extract arterial blood for arterial blood gases.
If I ever get any hint - from anybody - that one word of our conversation has left this room, I'll extract blood for it.
So when Balu goes back to his own city, Kasi also goes there to extract blood for blood.
It was like extracting blood from a stone but I persisted and tried, by changing tack, to get him to open up a little.
They want to extract blood from someone.
When an infected tick latches on to a person's flesh to extract blood, rickettsiae can enter the blood stream.
He has some device even more efficient at extracting blood than my syringe.
Early Phlebotomists used techniques such as leeches to extract blood from the body.