It can be hard for women to get extra folic acid from food.
Most people who eat a normal diet do not need extra ascorbic acid.
I've lowered the air pressure and even sprayed it with extra sulfuric acid.
The extra acid from the air pushes the lung pH too low and airways shut down.
Perhaps now the body will have to find some extra acid to finish digesting the meal, or to burn the vinegar for fuel.
You may have more gout attacks for several months after starting this medicine while the body removes extra uric acid.
The supplements have extra folic acid and iron.
Because cimetidine may interact with nifedipine, ask your pharmacist about other products to treat extra stomach acid.
Cimetidine is a nonprescription drug that is commonly used to treat extra stomach acid.
Taking extra folic acid plus multivitamin supplements (which have additional benefits) and starting them before a woman actually becomes pregnant is the optimal approach.