If an athlete doesn't finish the run, gets disqualified or scores a time worse than 108% of the winning time, an extra penalty is incurred.
They can charge you an extra penalty of up to £60 each day until you provide it.
And, most important, penalties are awarded for keeping people waiting; long waits get extra heavy penalties.
Depending on that, a team can get extra penalties or bonuses (regulations about extras should be indicated in the scenario).
There is yet the extra penalty of "public knowledge of the court decision" (costs paid by the defamer) (art.
Variations: One version of Michigan requires that players pay an extra penalty if they are caught at the end holding a boodle card.
It's a sadistic extra penalty inflicted by Louisiana.
Injury is usually decided by the high stick causing bleeding, but the presence of blood does not automatically mean an extra penalty is awarded.
The Kings had been assessed an extra penalty.
But now many families with children face an extra penalty of more than £1,000.