In addition, the deep seawater contains extra nutrients for fish, an important source of food and income for the local population.
These formulas have extra nutrients, and you can use them to help your child make the switch to whole milk.
That we were healthy, but could use some extra nutrients.
The aims include faster growth, resistance to fungi, production of extra nutrients, or some other beneficial purpose.
This behavior may be due to need for extra nutrients or simply to eliminate competitors.
Food processing can also add extra nutrients such as vitamins.
These may have been engineered for faster growth, resistance to pathogens, production of extra nutrients, or any other beneficial purpose.
Now, healthy snacking is part of any diet, and an important way to sneak in extra nutrients.
The extra nutrients provided by these sources can cause eutrophication.
It grows therefore in rich soil, or use extra nutrients, in a sunny warm place.