With the extra land, visitor can look forward to a new garden within the next 3 to 4 years time.
We decided to raise funds to finance a well to provide the village with clean water, a community hall, and extra land for the school.
He may simply not have had enough money to take on the extra land and the work as required for it.
He can build a shorter Pinnacle (23 stories as opposed to 28) without the extra land.
He acquired the estate's freehold in 1750, and later added extra land.
This is a direct representation of how much extra land has been added to the Landscape.
So they decided to go into business, often taking advantage of extra land, well-placed contacts or special skills.
In due course he was able to pay for extra land: two gardens again leased from the guild.
They could also buy extra land at a very good price.
There was a lot of extra land for expansion, which at the moment seemed unlikely.