"She told us she gave him extra instruction in English because he was ahead of the rest of the class."
She said the union had long supported most of the chancellor's ideas: early intervention, extra instruction, better summer school.
The group that received extra instruction in the physical therapy went into surgery feeling less anxious than the other groups.
Back home, at 4 p.m., some 100 students wait for her extra instruction.
Under a previous plan, half of the time was to be used for teacher training, and the extra instruction was being delayed until November.
If they still do not pass, they must repeat the grade and receive at least an hour of extra instruction each day.
Can the state require such high competence without paying for the extra instruction and social services needed to raise every student to that level?
Mr. Casey also said that parents would have at least two weeks' notice if their children were chosen for extra instruction.
Cadets may also receive extra instruction during this time.
This makes the extra instructions inserted in the previous example unnecessary.