When a functioning pituitary tumor makes extra hormones, the symptoms will depend on the type of hormone being made.
Pituitary tumors are described by their size and grade, whether or not they make extra hormones, and whether the tumor has spread to other parts of the body.
The kidney flushes the extra hormone.
The extra hormones made by pituitary tumors may cause certain signs or symptoms of disease.
The extra hormones in your body during puberty may cause problems in your mouth.
Acne is another common skin problem, caused by the extra hormones in your body.
It may be that the extra hormones stimulate the virus, he said, or that some women on the pill have more sexual partners.
I knew that my body was producing extra hormones and that my chemical balance was out of whack because of that.
All those extra hormones not only encourage fetal development, but they also have an effect on your well-being.
Or, the extra hormones can come from enlarged parathyroid glands.