Planned or not, the age disparity between these performers provided an extra frisson of tension in their characters' relationship.
I am sure it adds an extra frisson, but I can't say I'm keen to try it.
Despite this, confidence was high going into a semi-final that, due to the Munster finalists being guaranteed a place in the All-Ireland series, had an extra frisson of tension.
In the light of recent headlines, that skepticism lends it an extra frisson of credibility.
While some actors may adhere to the old adage never to work with children or animals, for audiences the presence of a beast on stage adds an extra frisson.
This night provided a little extra frisson of excitement for Valentine.
The way C brings her hands up sharply in a parodic romantic moue, rather than stressing the downward emphasis, as N does, adds a extra frisson of flirtatious challenge and sparkiness.
It's just that the spectacles had declined to show Hackworth his own bungee cord, just to add an extra frisson to the whole experience.
Our unfamiliarity with Wiig as a performer gives us an extra frisson as we feel we are watching a star being born.
Mr. Neeson makes a noble and affecting Jean Valjean, while Mr. Rush's beady-eyed intensity gives his Inspector Javert an extra frisson.