I wonder if they get an extra allowance for red pens?
If you are loyal, you will receive an extra allowance of food and many privileges.
This is an extra allowance, worth £1,720 a year at current rates, specially given to widows to assist them over the first difficult period.
Ham was to receive an additional $16,000 for office expenses and $2,700 in an extra allowance.
The charming weather and the extra allowance of rum had also helped, no doubt.
Priests, doctors and vets got extra allowances of fuel.
"You'll require specialty pay and an extra uniform allowance."
I lived in Worcester 2 years ago and my salary was £24,000 without any extra allowances.
It would allow states to cap the amount of payments so there would be no extra allowance for children born to women already on welfare.
Members with extra allowances can sell them or bank them for future use.