We haven't been able to evaluate the device in full just yet (look for our review soon), but the extra RAM likely helps significantly.
Many cartridges also carry components that increase the original console's power, such as extra RAM or a coprocessor.
(I know the constraining factor is ultimately the distance from the exchange, but the extra RAM has made all the difference).
Where does all the extra RAM space come from?
They also do not require extra RAM because only one of those two copies is loaded for execution.
I have the same laptop (with 2GB extra RAM): it cannot.
This one's a little faster because I think the extra RAM has made a difference.
The cartridge slot gave the potential for adding extra RAM or storage devices for saving games to the system.
It also provided 3 kB of extra RAM (of which 136 bytes were used by the cartridge itself).
On the media and content creation side of things, folks who work with very large 2D image files also appreciate the extra RAM.