The Government also charged that a lawyer in New York helped collect the extortion payments for the Lucchese family.
With limited English and few skills, they are often forced by the smugglers into drug trafficking or collecting extortion payments.
Both factions wanted to collect the family's extortion payments and control its other business.
In 1989, Mr. Lipari demanded the extortion payments himself, according to the indictment.
"You do not miss your country here," said Mr. Carmona, who left to avoid extortion payments to rebels.
Some were on construction sites, where the I.R.A. used to demand extortion payments in the form of paychecks for phantom workers.
The Republicans' chief banking spokesman charges that the loan funds are simply extortion payments to activists.
The extortion payment may be milk money, the injuries limited to a black eye and bruised pride.
The mining companies have been implicated in extortion payments to guerrillas in exchange for access to mining locations.
During the investigation, prosecutors reimbursed one laborer for his extortion payments, as a way of persuading him to help with the investigation, the authorities said.